Wandering Experiences (A history of interest)

My first memories are as follows. 1. Crawling on a Turkish rug in a romantically lit hallway. 2. My orange (maybe it was grey) cat in a laundry basket in a basement while my mom was doing laundry. 3. Running outside for the first time to find my older sister and her friends had caught a bunch of frogs and were playing with them.

All of my great childhood memories after this are mostly related to things outdoors. I was very lucky growing up to have parents that loved to get outdoors and travel. My dad worked as an X-ray tech before he became a chef and we were stationed overseas for most of my childhood. Every other weekend my parents would decide to hop in the car and head off to see some ruins or a castle. In Germany we did a lot of volksmarching which are basically little hikes through the hillsides of Germany. A different town has a hike each week and after the hike you get beer and bratwurst. The following pictures describe a few of the places we explored.

Hierapolis, Turkey 1987

Lederhosen, Classic hiking gear 1987
Turkey, 87' Handmade Crab Net
Uncle Jerry to the right.

Hiking Somewhere, 1990
Sister is wearing "Land Before Time" T-Shirt

Mountains somewhere in Turkey. Libyan Lumberjacks
let me ride their donkey. This may be near "The Land
of Seven Lakes."

Mountains near Yedi Gulu, Still no confirmation on where
Yedi Gulu actually is? Lost and rescued by Libyan Lumberjacks.

Temple of Apollo, Hierapolis

Temple of Apollo, Hierapolis
Newfoundland 2001, Lobster Traps

Derinkuyu, Underground City

Turkey, Rope tied to tree for rock climbing.
Work in Progress, More to come.